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An Eco-Friendly Family Holiday


Once you’ve researched and decided on an environmentally friendly family holiday, make sure these good thoughts become good deeds during your trip. Be sure to:

Travel  by train or car, which can save up to four times the amount of carbon emissions that are let off by air travel. Hiring an efficient or hybrid car at your destination, or travelling by boat or bike, will benefit the local environment as well.

Purchasing credits to offset the carbon emissions that you have just sent into the atmosphere during your travels. Pack or purchase healthy, indigenous snacks rather than food that will require disposing of its packaging.

Reduce personal care items you use on your holiday, and reuse your linens throughout your stay. Having sheets and towels washed every day wastes a harmful amount of water per guest.

Book your family on tours and activities that respect and protect the local community, wildlife and habitat. Before purchasing tickets, ask the operators how the proceeds will be spent.

Buying souvenirs that are locally made and sold, and do not incorporate products from endangered species (animal skins or parts, animal shells, tortoise-shell, ivory or coral). Also, while haggling can be fun, remember that you might be arguing over money that is sorely needed by the local community. If you can spare it, please do.

Any family holiday can become an eco-friendly family holiday with a little research and a lot of motivation. Don’t wait any longer – make your next holiday an eco-friendly family holiday.