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Ceramic Coffee Mugs


Custom Ceramic Coffee Mugs  are very  popular promotional gifts today and have become an industry staple. Ceramics are not only used to create beautiful vases and bowls, decorative items and ceramic accessories but are popularly used for making ceramic mugs.

Practically in every kitchen or even office pantry, you are bound to see a ceramic coffee mug with either the company's logo or even saying such as 'World's Best  Mom' on a writing mug. Apart from being a cutlery statement, ceramic mugs, also called coffee mugs or coffee cups, are also popularly becoming a collector's hobby as well as part of home décor pieces. The truly artistic go all out in collecting custom printed coffee mugs to adorn their display cabinet or kitchen.

Personalized ceramic mugs also make a statement. There was a time when you used to work in advertising and everyone in the office had a ceramic mug that had some witty tagline or statement on it that reflected their personality--it was sort of a company culture that also became a quick ice breaker and conversation starter among the staff.  Why use a paper cup for your morning coffee when you can have it in a strong, sturdy and unique mug?

You can find out that imprinted coffee cups are perfect for companies, for wedding favors and party gift bags as well as for sororities and collegiate where you want to inject some team spirit and increase the sense of belonging among your team members and social circles.